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CLAUDIA HUENCHULLAN. The Route of the Goldsmiths.

Claudia is rüxafe Mapuche. Since she was a child, she collected snails from the rocks of Pichilemu and made necklaces with bronze wire, although she says that they did not have very good finishes, she used them the same. A journalist by profession, she has always felt linked to her ancestral culture, although she has lived physically far from Wallmapu. Claudia is a textile artist, a passionate weaver of the witral, a pre-Columbian loom, among other knowledge of both animal and vegetable fibers. In 2016 she took her formal jewelry classes and her first silver earrings were shaped like loom boats, later her following jewelry has been linked to Mapuche silverware. One of Claudia's challenges is to spread, through her works, the wealth of her people, the "kimün" or Mapuche wisdom and that governs them for a "küme Mongen" good living, through the rüxam or art of work metal with identity.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
