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GASTÓN MATURANA. The Country Route.

Representative of the Chilean peanut culture, Gastón has been with his Corcolén Toast and Confectionery for more than 30 years; and a lifetime in this activity. Since he was a child, he had to harvest peanuts, when work was still a childhood game. It started with a workshop in his mother's house. Then he moved to Santiago, where he worked, for things in life, in a roastery. Over time, together with his brother, he formed his current business, where he had to learn to confit. After the end of the company, he remained as the sole owner. In any case, he continued to understand his company as a family business. Today, Gastón has the support of his children at all times. They take care of technological and commercial matters, among other things. They are an example of local development, where, in addition, the new generations are interested in keeping their tradition alive.

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
