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IVAN DEL RIO CONCHA. The Route of the Goldsmiths.

The passion of working with his hands led Iván del Río to enter the Goldsmiths School of Coya, in Machalí. From his workshop in Requinoa, Iván manufactures his own designs, transforming metal into pieces that stand out for their originality and quality. Among the metals he uses, copper is the one that stands out, using it as a support for robust materials, such as stones and wood, as well as to make delicate jewelry with natural fibers: silk, cotton thread and wool. His works have been exhibited on various platforms, both national and international; His works are found in Argentina, Mexico, the United States, Spain and other countries. In this way, Iván has made a prestigious name for himself, while at the same time he has earned a place in the world of goldsmithing in the O'Higgins Region, obtaining the recognition of his local peers.

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
