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JORGE FREDES. The Loom Route.

When talking about Jorge Fredes it is impossible not to call him a teacher. World-renowned textile artist, researcher, educator of hundreds of women to whom she delivers her knowledge with love and dedication. By teaching, he transforms lives and his art helps to heal, almost like a therapy, wounded hearts. He was born into a weaver family beyond the Andes, his mother, father and sister weaved naturally. She studied Art with a textile mention at the School of Textile Design in Brazil, and from then on she has dedicated herself to delving into the world of fabrics and their techniques. It has been recognized in various countries, such as Poland, Brazil, Argentina, among others. Today he lives in Requinoa, and his home is his workshop. His land, full of colorful flowers, are the accomplices of his investigations, his tests and his works of art. Jorge Fredes is much more than a great artist, he is a friend and a teacher.

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
