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JORGE PAVEZ. The Coast Route.

Heir to the salt tradition and guardian of the coastal salt culture, Jorge, together with his wife Carmen, carry out one of the longest-standing trades in the Barrancas area, Pichilemu Commune. They both learned from one of the oldest salt workers in the area, Jorge's father, although they learn something new every day in this area. This marriage, together with several dozen more salt producers, proudly displays their Denomination of Origin salt from Cáhuil, Boyeruca and Lo Valdivia, and configures a magical space, protected by Living Human Treasures, which takes place in the marshes of the Pichilemu communes. and Paredones, in the O'Higgins Region, even reaching the Commune of Vichuquén, in the Maule Region. It is a unique cultural landscape, which should be recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

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