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LESLY ARMIJO. The Saddlery Route.

Lesly is the only saddler in the O'Higgins region, a woman of great sympathy and vocation for her work. She trained in the trade with Nibaldo Saldía, her ex-husband. With him he learned to tan leather, to line saddles, barrels for reins. Today she works alone and has been able to captivate a large number of clients with her work and designs, visiting various fairs from Calama to Chiloé. One of Lesly's passions is teaching women saddlery, giving them the tools to keep the trade in female hands and, furthermore, for them to be financially self-sufficient. A great example of the above is the workshop where she teaches women incarcerated in prison, where she passionately gives them her knowledge to rehabilitate and generate new forms of work.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
