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LUIS CERÓN. The Route of the Artisans.

Since he was 18 years old, Luis has worked in a blacksmith shop. His teacher and uncle was an outstanding craftsman from the O'Higgins Region, Gonzalo Castro, creator of the Parronina de Población, in Peralillo. For 6 years he was with his mentor, time in which he was able to soak up the knowledge and techniques of this ancient trade. Today, Luis is a master in the art of forging and in the making of steel knives. In addition, he is a skilled craftsman who works with wood and ox horns. He learned woodcarving from a friend, while he knew the chub handicraft as a self-taught person. Now in his works he fuses metal with these materials, giving a unique stamp to his lines of objects, presenting contemporary, highly aesthetic designs, made from natural elements that come, in many cases, from his land in Marchigüana.

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
