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MALVINA NAVARRO. The Route of the Chupalla.

Malvina represents the typical braider of Cutemu, in the huasa and peasant Comuna de Paredones, where the indigenous heritage meets the Spanish heritage, and men and women grow quinoa and wheat, harvest salt, collect algae and, deep in the sea, they throw the net to collect the marine fruits. Malvina spends her days there, sitting in front of the braider, weaving long sheets of Ligun wheat straw, to later shape different objects, some traditional, others modern, but all with the same technique, all with her stamp, with her know-how. . She has spent her whole life among wheat fields and braids. Images of his childhood still appear to him, when at the age of six he watched and helped his mother. According to his memories, in his first decade of life he already handled the trade well and made totally salable braids. Today she is a master of this traditional art.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
