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MICHEL DEL PINO. The Saddlery Route .

Michel del Pino, a self-taught rawhide artisan from San Fernando, forged his talent rummaging through books and visiting huaso tool shops. His first works were leather bands for hats. Little by little he made his way through the difficult world of the cultists. Keen observer, in his beginnings he also repaired capybara skins, a luxurious product, and made tools for two runners. Son of a peasant family, lover of the huaso world and traditions, he beat life, followed his instinct and pursued his dreams until he developed an unparalleled skill in the art of rawhide. Innate designer, cartoonist, man of ingenuity, creative, intelligent, wise peasant, today he does not stop growing, learning and improving.

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
