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DIANA MARTINEZ. The Route of the Goldsmiths.

Diana got to know the world of metallurgy after studying at the Coya School of Goldsmiths. She has been dedicated to author jewelry for 10 years. His pieces are made, mainly, in metals such as copper, silver and bronze, merging techniques of enamelling, fretwork, foldforming, among others. His workshop in Lo Miranda is his space for elaborating the lines that he presents on various platforms, it is his creational temple, where the genius develops ideas. After blows and cuts to the metal, plus the application of various pickling salts, he gives various shapes to necklaces, earrings and rings, which are part of his portfolio, as is the case of his collections inspired by natural and cultural elements of Chile, such as wild mushrooms and the famous water jugs of Larmahue. Their jewels are bearers of simplicity and originality, both in their shapes and in their colors.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
