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OLGA LLANQUILEO. The Basketry Route.

Olga is Mapuche Lafkenche, she says that she was born an artisan, she learned it in her mother's womb, while she wove the ñocha and cradled it in her womb. She was born in Cañete and together with her mother and sisters they wove much of the time. His father made the needles to weave the fiber. At the age of four, he was already making baskets of pita that they extracted from their land. Love made Olga leave her homeland to settle in Coinco, where her life took a new direction. Olga Llanquileo is a great exponent of the Mapuche culture, she is an artisan, cook and singer-songwriter who delights those who listen to her sing in her native language, in addition to her friendliness and simplicity. Today she spends a large part of her time making pieces and teaching reed weaving, which she herself extracts from the banks of the Cachapoal River. She passionately teaches women in hopes of preserving her craft, her ancient knowledge.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
