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JOSE BASOALTO. The Route of the Goldsmiths.

He began his career at the Purranque Artisan School, where he learned leather goods. For 15 years he dedicated himself to this trade. Later he entered the School of Copper Craftsmen in Rancagua, where he was a student of Raúl Celery Zolecy, a benchmark in the field. For some time he slipped between leather and copper, until opting exclusively for copper art. An artisan leader since 1992, he has traveled to various parts of South America showing off his creations. As a good globetrotter, he lived for a while in Taltal, Antofagasta, where he taught his stuff and, at the same time, he got to know Pre-Columbian Art in copper. Today he has been modeling this identity metal of Chile for 28 years, as a guardian of a cultural landscape, of a trade in extinction, representing the last copper hammerers.

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
