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RAMÓN LEÓN. The Route of Delights.

As a child, Ramón has been linked to beekeeping, he always accompanied his uncle, who was a beekeeper and extracted honey by hand; she remembers seeing him taking the honey out of the drawers into sacks which he then harvested by squeezing the wax out of the honey. Ramón worked for more than twenty years on the farm, where he learned about the world of bees and in his spare time he worked with two drawers that he had in his house. He then began working as a beekeeper in Litueche, where he perfected his knowledge after taking training on honey production, its derivatives, and bee care. Today he has two apiaries that he works with his son and they are beginning to build their harvest room that will allow them to have greater control of their products, in addition to obtaining health permits to better market their pure and natural honey from the dry coastal land. .

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
