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ROCÍO PALMA CÉSPED. The Route of the Goldsmiths .

Doñihue is a town with a peasant tradition, where the chamanteras have weaved history through their chamantos and blankets, and the chacoliceros, with their vines, configured their landscapes. This land is the one that cradled Rocío Palma, a goldsmith from a family of weavers. She has been working with silver and copper for 4 years, metals that become the support for traditional Doñihuan chamantos, mixing her art with traditional textile pieces of high symbolic value that identify this territory. His jewelry is the result of work, love and family tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. It produces exclusive, unique pieces, with designs that integrate the historical legacy of a people into contemporary jewelry, giving rise to a clean, neat style that welcomes and embraces its identity.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
