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SONIA DÍAZ. The Loom Route.

In the beautiful town of Pumanque, Sonia extols the sheep culture with her wool work, from shearing to the loom and garment. With seven decades of experience and a lifetime immersed in this trade, this farmer still remembers her wool childhood, when at just six years old she had to spin with the spindle and, at nine, shear a sheep for each year of life up to date. She learned from her mother, like many peasant women in the region. Daughter of rigor, it has faced the calamities of time on several occasions, from the scorching fire of the devastating fires that occurred a few years ago, to the current drought that affects the area. Despite the difficulties and the hard life that he has had to go through, he always shows a smile and keeps intact, not only his know-how, but also his vocation for teaching his various techniques. She is one of the most recognized and prestigious artisans.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
