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VÍCTOR RIVAS. The Route of the Huaso.

Víctor has saddlery in his blood. This trade, an ancestral tradition, was practiced by his grandfather and father, who were shoemakers and worked with leather. It was his father who taught him the techniques of saddlery and shoe repair. Life led Víctor to discover the world of hat making, after a great challenge in which his health was affected. His recovery led him to apprenticeship in its preparation, with a Rancagüino master. Since then, two decades have passed and he has been dedicated to both trades for 15 years, attending various events such as rodeos, costumbrista and traditional parties. Victor today lives in Las Cabras and has great prestige for the quality of his work, being invited to different activities where he exhibits his products, generating great expectations in the attendees due to the great variety that he presents.

If you want to know more about him you can visit him at:
