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YOLANDA MORAGA. The Route of the Artisans.

Yolanda has been dedicated to her craft for more than 50 years. At the school of the Errazuriz family estate, in Lihueimo, Palmilla, she took up a needle for the first time and began to embroider together with her classmates. Over the years, she joined a mothers' center and met Zoila López, with whom she developed her skills. She began to embroider tablecloths with peasant scenes and, since then, the threads and their colors have guided her path. Once he gave the village church a three-meter-long tablecloth embroidered with the Nativity of Christ on one side and the Resurrection on the other. As can be seen in her work, Yolanda materializes the typical scenes of a Catholic, huaso and peasant Lihueimo, revealed through artisan expression. Like her sister Carlota, she is also a potter, and together they achieve the same images, but now, with clay.

If you want to know more about her you can visit her at:
